The music streaming industry has been growing at a fast pace since its inception. During the pandemic, a jump has been observed in this industry. Every new app comes out with more benefits for the end-users and this customer satisfaction generates more ROI for entrepreneurs.

The idea is that a music streaming app is developed as per the demand of the business owners.

Music Streaming Trends: Where the Future is Heading to

The MD of TechStars Music has rightfully said:

“Voice-mediated music consumption and smart speakers will change the way we consume music”

The global music streaming market soared to 20–21 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, further projecting to reach 45 billion U.S.D. by 2030. The increasing dominance of the Internet-driven world is immensely contributing to these numbers.

US Music streaming market size

Why investing in music streaming is a good idea?

Online music streaming compared to other popular niche apps is a fairly good idea. Why shouldn’t a business owner invest in such a great idea?

One of the biggest reasons is increased market share at a global level. Here are some statistics and facts to prove that a music streaming app is a good idea:

The global music streaming market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6% by the end of 2021 which is estimated to be around $16 billion in 2020.

Worldwide music streaming market size

The following statistics depict that Spotify is accounting for the largest share in the music streaming market.

Music streaming share at a global level

Steps to Create A Music Streaming App

You can follow the below steps for developing music streaming app as per the below steps.

Step 1: Requirements Generation

This is the primary and most important step while creating any kind of app. You should have an in-depth knowledge of all the aspects of the service that is being planned to offer.

Requirements generation provides assistance in creating the essential features.

Step 2: Hiring Professional Developers

It is necessary to hire professional developers. When you hire a custom mobile app development company, it will help in obtaining the desired results and this will be counted under this step.

This step becomes crucial when you are planning to develop an on-demand application.

Step 3: MVP Version

The next step is to develop an MVP version of the music streaming application.

Step 4: Feedback & Advanced Features

After following all the above steps mentioned, it’s time to get the user’s feedback and add on the advanced features.

Step 5: Upgradation

Last, but not least there is a need to upgrade the music streaming app on a regular basis.


In the current scenario, it is important to look out for a renowned and reputed firm that does music streaming app development.

There are ample companies available around the world, but I am suggesting FATbit Technologies is globally recognized since 2004. You can easily build a music streaming app with the assistance of the team of professionals available in the mobile app development companies!

Read more: A Simple Guide to a Structured eCommerce App Development: From eCommerce to mCommerce